In this sequel to the wildly successful classic, Sonic the Hedgehog, the titular character is ready to prove himself to the world as a hero. In order to do this, Sonic must find and destroy a legendary emerald that has the power to destroy civilizations, while a new adversary appears in the form of Dr. Robotnik, who returns with his new partner Knuckles. Tails and Sonic must embark on a globe-trotting quest to find this emerald, and it is at stake that this mystical treasure falls into the wrong hands.
Ben Schwartz
Ben Schwartz stars as the titular character in the new video game,123 Movies Sonic 2. The game is the sequel to the 2007 game Sonic, which won the Golden Joystick Award for best video game. The story follows a young man named Sonic who travels through a mysterious world in search of a lost diamond.
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey’s performance as Dr. Robotnik in the video game sequel Sonic 2 is a departure from his trademark rubber-faced, high-energy physical humor. His character is more cartoonish than human, and his exaggeration makes for a remarkably zany performance. Moreover, his appearance as Robotnik is one of the few instances in which a video game character is able to push his physical limitations. As a result, this role is a perfect fit for Carrey and a fitting way to end his career.
Idris Elba
In the first Sonic the Hedgehog game, the titular character, Sonic, fights against a powerful echidna named Knuckles, who is a fictional character in the series. Knuckles is a powerful fighter with spiked hands and the ability to glide. He was once the main rival of Sonic, but has become his best friend and former rival.
Colleen O’Shaughnessey
Colleen O’Shaughnesse, the voice of the infamous blue hedgehog, is a familiar character from the first Sonic movie. Her presence in the sequel is a welcome addition to the series. With a powerful voice, O’Shaughnessey lends her character an edgy charm that makes fans want to know more about Sonic’s past.
Idris Elba as Knuckles
Idris Elba has confirmed that he will play Knuckles in the upcoming sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog. The actor recently starred in the superhero comedy “The Suicide Squad” and has since lent his voice to several other projects including Finding Dory, Zootopia, and The Jungle Book. This latest role will allow Elba to give a different take on Knuckles.
Cartoonish violence in Sonic 2
The sequel to the hit action comedy Sonic the Hedgehog is a mix of animation and live action. The plot is about an alien warrior who has been sent to Earth to find an emerald of great power. While the movie is generally clean, there is some strong cartoon violence and foul language.
The Storyline of Sonic 2 follows the eponymous hero as he battles the evil Dr. Robotnik and his ally Knuckles. The villains are looking for the mystical emerald, which has the power to destroy civilizations. Sonic and his companion Tails team up and embark on a world-trotting quest to retrieve the emerald, which could endanger humanity if it falls into the wrong hands.
There are many different characters in Sonic 2, but most of them are very similar. For example, the main character is called Sonic. He has a childish attitude and a playful sense of humor. He also learns many important life skills, such as using Tasers instead of guns. Throughout the game, Sonic is attacked by a variety of different creatures, such as the Grounder and the Piranha. While the former are usually slow-moving and can’t be damaged while lit, they’re not as effective when they hit Sonic’s spherical noggin. Other enemies in the game include the Whisp, which are horseflies that attack from the side.