Often, television series or movies depict a very one-dimensional view of pregnancy. A woman feels nauseous, has a bout of fatigue, and then comes the eureka moment; she is pregnant.
While there is certainly some truth to the nausea and fatigue, however, that is not all there is to the early symptoms of pregnancy.
Even though the best way to ascertain pregnancy is by visiting your gynecologist doctor in Lahore for tests, or investing in the at-home kits —even though they can give a false negative.
It also helps in knowing the early signs of pregnancy, so that you can take steps early on the journey. Knowing them helps ensure that you start with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes that are better for you and the baby.
Moreover, some of the signs manifest even before you realize that you missed your period. Knowing these is especially imperative for women who have the problem of irregular period and might then miss out the fact that they are pregnant.
Early signs of pregnancy
Bloating is common before periods in most women, and it tends to accompany pregnancy as well. This is because of the surge in the hormone progesterone, which occurs during pregnancy and before ovulation as well.
Increased saliva
A quirky sign of pregnancy is an increase in the saliva production.
Increase in body temperature
Even though this symptom is hard to ascertain, but for women who have been monitoring and charting their basal body temperature, it may be an important sign. During pregnancy, there is a slight increase in the basal temperature.
Pregnant women also experience a lot of fatigue, since naturally, they are making a baby. Moreover, there are changes in the hormones going on in the body that also cause the energy levels to be shaken.
Frequent urination
Due to the hormonal changes that occur on account of pregnancy, you might also be making frequent visits to the loo. The constant peeing becomes worse as the pregnancy progresses; however, it sets in initially as well.
Frequent changes in mood
Pregnancy is notorious for mood swings, due to the haywire hormones. These set in from the beginning of the pregnancy. Some women may confuse it with the run of the mill mood problems that tend to accompany PMS.
Nausea and morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting are hallmarks of pregnancy, especially when you are doing well otherwise. Morning sickness may just be a misnomer, since for some women, the condition may persist throughout the day.
Sensitivity to smell
Women who become pregnant experience a surge in their ability to sniff and smell things. Their hound-like noses develop not just a heightened sensitivity, but it also leads to great aversion to some smells. It may also make them nauseous as well.
Moreover, these aversions might also lead to extreme repulsion for certain foods, while they might develop craving for others.
Known as implantation bleeding, this spotting tends to occur around a week or so after conception. It may misguide women who tend to have light periods, as they assume the spotting to be periods instead. However, there are signs to tell them apart.
Implantation bleeding is not a red in intensity; it is often light brown or very light pink. Moreover, it also does not tend to span as many days as periods do, although it is contingent on your length of the period cycle.
Tenderness in the breasts
Even though PMS also causes tenderness in the breasts, it also is an early sign of pregnancy as well. Breasts become swollen and the areolas increase in size. As breasts prepare for post-pregnancy nursing, they also increase in size. Montgomery’s tubercles start to make an appearance in preparation for the baby.
If you observe these signs, perhaps a visit to your healthcare expert at Altamash General Hospital is due.
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